[HOT] 2 Highly Requested FREE Biz Events this week
My audience begged me to do more of these, so don't miss them!
As I go about my day and get questions from my clients, I add MORE of what they tell me they NEED, and most importantly, ENJOY!
So, here you go. Hot off the press…
Event #1: Sep 5th
PITCH PARTY - Speed Networking & Connection Breeding Grounds
Find amazing collaborators, referral partners and future clients.
Workshop #2: Sep 7
Grow your Business through Your Own FB Community
You will learn from the two event and show hosts that run the online coaching space, the offline real estate space, and the entrepreneurship communities.
You’ll Learn How To:
Start and name your group
Admin set-up and tricks to grow your e-mail list
Seed it with content, keep it engaged, and drive traffic to it
For all of the events…
And, for those of you who missed the summit announcement, here is it also.
See you soon.
Remember, if you don’t act, nothing will change. Come and have fun with us, and grow your business at the same time.